b'FINANCIAL AND OPERATIONAL PERFORMANCE 2019Corporate Social ResponsibilityHealthA good workplace, with high productivity, depends on the health of employees. Thats why at Staatsolie we encourage our people to be healthy and fit. Internal programs such as Fit4Life, Fit4Work encourage healthier eating and exercise. Internal communications promote the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.We also promote physical fitness publicly; for example, by being the biggest sponsor of the Staatsolie-Parima Sprint and Olympic Distance Triathlon. In 2019, Staatsolie had the largest number of participants in this annual event, which was held on Sunday, October 13.Our promotion of sports activities also extended in 2019 to support a worthy community cause.A year ago, when it seemed as though Suriname would not be able to participate in Special Olympics 2019 in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Staatsolie stepped in with fundraising and direct donations. We helped enable 13 athletes on Surinames Special Olympics team, who had been in training for four years, to participate in this event. SafetyOur Safety performance is measured with the Total Recordable Injury Frequency indicator which was 0.54 and therefore lower than our 0.58 tolerance for 2019. We are developing other indicators that will further help us to prevent incidents. To better manage safety, we implemented an improved HSE management system in the upstream operations in 2019. We recognize that conditions on shore can be challenging. For example, teams conducting 3D seismic surveys in Calcutta North, Tambaredjo Northwest and Tambaredjo North deal not just with the heat of the sun or the rain, but with bees and snakes, in addition to working with explosives.Every day, the emphasis is placed on working safely.Safety first is indeed the general rule at Staatsolie. At the refinery complex, billboards reinforce the safety message. Refinery employees who set an example for others are named Safety Champions.EnvironmentWith a forest coverage of 93%, Suriname is a very green country. We are also vulnerable to the impact of rising sea levels, since much of our coastal area is below or just above sea level. So, it is natural for us to want the planet treated responsibly. In 2019, Staatsolie supported the World Wildlife Fund with the organization of Earth Hour in Suriname. On Saturday, March 30, 2019, for one hour the lights went out throughout Suriname, to draw attention to global warming. Staatsolie also encouraged activities in schools in the communities where we do business, to raise awareness through school programs and recycling activities. Staatsolie is committed to protecting the environment and supports the objectives of the Suriname Conservation Foundation (SCF). We are a member of SCFs Green Partnership Program, which promotes preservation of the environment and supports biodiversity. Before we undertake any activity, environmental and social impacts are assessed by external experts.CommunityIn 2019 we supported many community initiatives, focusing mostly on the areas where we operate. We invested mainly in the development of young people, people with disabilities and the environment. We achieved this in the Tout Lui Faut community where we have our refinery operations, amongst others, through the continuation of our scholarship project. We support students financially who achieved excellent school results and guide them through a coaching program. As part of an environmental initiative we started using a drone to measure the air quality above and around the refinery; to fine tune future improvements we also implemented odor research in the neighborhood.Two neighborhood playgrounds originally donated by Staatsolie were expanded in 2019 and were put to full use during a camp organized together with the schools. In the communities around our upstream activities we improved roads, financially supported local government with household waste collection, worked to enhance neighborhood school classrooms, supported the upgrading of internet connections and also helped provide IT training in rural areas where people have no experience with computers. Local community members sometimes need to be trained in order to know how to write project proposals. With the help of Staatsolie, there are currently nine community organizations in Saramacca that have been trained to submit funding requests to Staatsolie to implement projects supporting sustainability and the environment. 22 STAATSOLIE 2019 ANNUAL REPORT'