b'On 13 December, 2020, Staatsolie celebrated its 40th anniversary.This occasion provides us an opportunity tocelebrate the accomplishments of the past, takenote of our present strength, and look forward to the great promise of the future.We are duly proud of our four decades of performance growth of the company and service to Suriname. In this years report we will highlight a number of significantmomentsinourhistory,butStaatsolieisnotrestingonthepast.If 2020 has any lesson to teach, it is that we must always rise to the new challenges ahead of us. This past year, marked by the COVID-19 pandemic and as a result plummeting oil prices, was more unexpected than any other in our history. And yet, with sound leadership, focus, and the efforts of Staatsolies 1,000+ employees, we have come through those challenges together, a stronger company, poised for great things ahead.Today, Staatsolie is entering the most important era of its historyand quite possibly Surinames history as well. Indeed, in 2020 we saw what may well be themostsignificantseriesofeventsinour40years:fouroffshorediscoveriesbyourinternationalpartners,amongthelargestsuchfindsintheworld,weremade in 2020. Another soon followed in early 2021.Going forward, we will no longer be a relatively small state oil company serving the energy needs of its nation, but a larger player in the worlds energy market.All Staatsolies past and present endeavors have been pointing to the great promise of these major discoveries. It is a future we are eager to be a part of, along with our government, our people, our international partners and allof our stakeholders.We are celebrating that future.'