b'STAATSOLIE MAATSCHAPPIJ SURINAME N.V.NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2021 (Continued)5.3 FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTSInterest-bearing loans and borrowingsBond 2020 - 2025(X US$ 1,000) Maturity 2021 2020Local Bond Sep-25 60,148 60,013Non-current portion of the loan 60,148 60,013Bond 2020 - 2027(X US$ 1,000) Maturity 2021 2020Local Bond Mar-27 133,060 132,826Non-current portion of the loan 133,060 132,826Revolver(X US$ 1,000) Maturity 2021 2020RevolverLoan May-25 6,000 6,000Non-current portion of the loan 6,000 6,000Term Loan(X US$ 1,000) Maturity 2021 2020Corporate term loan May-25 440,311 524,919Current portion of the loan 97,856 72,856Non-current portion of the loan 342,455 452,063Other Long Term Liabilities(X US$ 1,000) Maturity 2021 2020Loan-StichtingPensionfondsvoorwerknemers Nov-23 26,508 26,508vanStaatsolieMaatschappijSurinameN.V.Other Long Term Liabilities(X US$ 1,000) Maturity 2021 2020OtherLongtermliability-PikinSaramacca Jun-23 10,017 -165'