b'and ISO45001 certification in EnvironmentalWith a solid plan for our ongoing success, the Management and Occupational Health & Safety.talents of our nearly 1,200-strong workforce and The certification of our upstream onshorethe great promise of Surinames hydrocarbon production operations will follow soon.reserves, the future is bright, both for our company and our country. This is completely Looking Ahead in line with our new vision: Energizing a bright With the potential for significant hydrocarbonfuture for Suriname.revenues in its near future, Suriname is engagedFor contributing to that success in 2021, I would in a national discussion on how best to investlike to thank all our stakeholders, including our the proceeds to the benefit of all its citizens.shareholder the Government of Suriname, the Staatsolie believes the establishment of asupervisory board, the people of our country, Sovereign Stability and Welfare Fund (SSWF) isour employees, contractors and suppliers, our a crucial step in protecting these assets. Whileinternational partners (IOCs), financing partners it is not Staatsolies role to dictate governmentand investors.policy, we will continue to weigh in on these discussions to ensure offshore proceeds are secured and utilized for the benefit of allAnnand Jagesar Surinames citizens, including advocating thatCEO significant resources be devoted to preserving Surinames treasured biodiversity.While factors such as oil prices are out of our controland we are prepared for ongoing volatility as the world continues to deal with disruptive challengeswe will continue to focus on areas we can control and improve our internal processes to allow us to achieve better safety performance, cut costs and meet production targets.Regarding our aspiration to participate in future developments in the deep offshore and to become an operator in the shallow offshore, we are continuing to enhance our capabilities by learning from our international partners with measures including secondments, coaching, mentorship and training.17'